215.804.9487 [email protected]

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul.
-John Muir, Environmental Philosopher

The outdoor restore is a one hour guided experience right in your own local park that involves walking, talking and activities designed to deepen your restorative relationship with the world we share but often are too busy to benefit from.

• Restore yourself with a nature walk guided by a certified professional.

Connect to the environment to grow, sustain and learn about yourself.

Meet friends and learn the skills to stay  rejuvenated in the month ahead.

Summer Outings

6/22/19 Flowing and Growing: Embracing Transition – Graeme Park, Horsham, PA

7/27/19 In Sun and Shade: Accepting Ourselves – Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust, Huntingdon Valley, PA

8/17/19 From Root to Leaf: Practicing Self-Sustenance – Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust, Huntingdon Valley, PA

Outing locations are to be determined based upon continuing participants’ preferences. All locations are within 20 minutes of Willow Grove, PA.

The cost is $5 per person per outing payable in advance by PayPal or Venmo or 15 minutes prior to the start of the outing. Participants will be provided a short registration form to complete in advance of the outing.

For best enjoyment of all, an outing consists of a maximum of six participants. All outings are on a rain-or-shine basis unless in the event of a weather emergency.

Please email [email protected] or call (215)804-9487 to register.