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Six Word Summer 2015


Black-eyed susan, Selective focus

Six Word Stories. I’ve grown to love them as a method of focus and reflection in a life—and a mind—of business and fast-paced movement. Click the link if you need a description, read on if you already understand how these 18 words have become one of my favorite seasonal rituals. Maybe they have for you, too. I’d encourage it.


Family Life

We all emerged big, not little.

As a Me

Prayerful victories reveal the next horizon.

Saying Farewell

Even the fun was powerful, thanks.


That’s my summer, how was yours? How do you hope your Fall to be?

As always, I offer the comment box below for a little public support and praise, or both secure, private email methods if you want to share your six word story.



Berg, P. (2008) Six Word Stories. Retrieved from: http://www.sixwordstories.net/about/

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