A Gift from Saint Noah: A WPRB Memory in Verse

Yes, every year I gratefully pen an article showcasing, exploring or even extolling an aspect of Jon Solomon’s 25 Hour Holiday Radio Show Marathon on WPRB 103.3 in Princeton, NJ. This year is slightly different. For the past number of shows, Jon has opened the show to submissions of Christmas Memories. He asked again this year and I thought “Hey, Jon gives so much and asks for nothing in return. Let’s give him a tale.”
So here it is, based loosely around “A Visit from St. Nicholas.” If you’d like, just click the embedded audio recording from my performance (such as it is) including some fancy background shenanigans, or just read on below.
I hope you enjoy it, and the marathon, you know I will.
Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah, everyone!
This Christmas story, is a memory from way back in 2013. Almost a decade ago.
Sitting here in front of the fire, with the snow outside, seems only right that I share it in verse.
“T’was two months before Christmas, or something like that.
And all through my brain, my thoughts I did wrack.
For nearly a decade I’d written a Holiday Radio Show Article
Could there still be magic unreported, is that even possible?
“Then, what in my wondering brain did appear?
But an idea so simple, yet strikingly dear.
After thousands of words, nothing more need I say.
For how could it be a Holiday Marathon
Without the music Jon plays?
“Quick as a Christmas Speed Metal from Sweden I flew to my feet,
Ran to the keyboard and typed on the keys.
Then what, did my browsing search engine bestow?
But all of Jon’s WPRBXmas playlists, for those keeping score at home.
“I reached out to many bands who’d played marathon songs,
Some melodic, some quixotic,
some sorrowful, some strong.
Then I anxiously awaited replies
As I emailed with Jon.
“My in-box I opened as the Marathon neared.
And that’s when I realized I never should have feared.
“My eyes read artists’ responses to my Christmas questions
About their songs, what the show meant to them
and why we should listen.
“On came Mike of Killdozer to share the ‘Dethlehem’ tale,
Adam and his package gave the article a Jewish flare,
But Noah Vail, who wrote the Marathon theme, had one request.
He wanted to interview me back—surly a jest!
Of course, I agreed.
Could I do any less?
“The piece came together alright,
Like toys made by an elf.
And I was quite happy with it,
If I say so myself.
“I gave thanks to all the musicians,
And Jon got my gratitude, eternally.
Just glad to be a small part of the magic,
Found for 25 Hours on 103.3.
“Then the Eve came so quickly, as it always does,
The snow falling as we drove down Rt. 413, WPRB already a buzz,
I picked up the phone, to call to the station,
To give Mr. Solomon our annual Christmas salutation…
Ok, this is where I cut the rhyme for a bit and bring you in close for the scene…
Jon picks up with his cheerful “Happy Holidays, WPRB!”
And I say “Hey, Jon, Keith Karabin here, that guy who writes those articles—”
Then Jon, who’s always chill, says in a slightly more excited tone. “Wait, you’re calling now—you can’t be calling now. You need to get off the phone and just listen to the next song.”
Of course, I hung up, wishing him a Merry Christmas and explained, confused, to my wife and daughter.
Then the next song came on.
And we exploded in amazed, joyful and shocked holiday cheer as a song called “Keith Karabin Christmas” debuted on the Holiday Radio Show.
It turns out that, aside from being a musical genius, Noah Vail is also one of the best humans on Earth, and quite the Christmas Elf, himself.
He wove those interview questions into a very personally relevant, touching gift of an anthem to the Christmas Marathon articles I write, which have always been a gift of tribute to Jon and what he gives to all of us.
Then, Noah got Jon’s help to play it during the long stretch of time on Christmas Eve when the wife, daughter and I are driving from Green Lane to Wycombe, PA and one party to the next. Astounding.
Two choruses in and we made one of my favorite memories…
Snow blowing past the car, Christmas lights on the houses around and the whole family singing along as we traveled down the empty country road.
“It’s a Keith Karabin Christmas, Peace on Earth, and peace of mind…
…and a piece left over to write a piece onli-iine.”
“This memory lives in the heart of my family
As a joyful reminder of what Christmas can be
Not the gift, but the giving
Keeps the holiday bright
So Merry Christmas to all 25 Hour Holiday Radio Show listeners,
And to all a good night.”