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Posts by Keith Karabin

Six Word Summer 2019

The point of journaling—the reflection, can be done in as little as just six words. Not only do the same areas of the brain get triggered, but I assert that even more reprocessing of our history occurs when we attempt to work through the puzzle of what we’re trying to memorialize in a shorter span of words than a free-write.

Outdoor Restores Work!

Researchers studied 18,500 people and found that spending time in nature can bring you as much satisfaction, vitality and meaning as having a good marriage, education or income!

New Amsterdam: Best Medicine for Counselors

New Amsterdam: The heart is what keeps me coming back as a fan and a counselor. It is the belief that everything can be improved. Quality of life, the healthcare system, our relationships, ourselves.

Six Word Winter 2019

I find that summer and winter are the journeying and reveling seasons while spring and fall are more transitional, thus the former two serve better for reflection and the latter for action.

Valentine, Love Thyself

We look at that list and say, “Yeah, I want all those benefits!” But perhaps you’re like me and the idea of self-compassion is challenging. Where do we even start? And, how do we avoid beating ourselves up when we fail at being self-compassionate?

Chuck Your Resolutions!

“I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes, then you are...