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Posts by Keith Karabin

Shhh! A #WPRBXmas Surprise…

Stay tuned Christmas Day for a very special WPRB 25 Hour Holiday Marathon surprise either on the show, or article to drop here!

Embracing Neverland

I have helped people break out of different Never Prisons most of my career. I’m stepping out of mine in a big way, which even meant change for this website. For our collective benefit, I offer these five clinically sound reasons from two amazing doctors, as to why we all can, and should, break out of our Never Prison and thrive in Neverland.

A VAST Focus Shift for ADHD

The key is to think beyond the problem=intervention paradigm and instead create a lifestyle which supports the power of a VAST mind while lessening the effect or impact of symptoms.

3 Keys to Loving Others

Valentine’s Day is, of course, intended for romantic love but our love of others is more the type for which my closest landmark city is named, Philadelphia, or “The City of Brotherly Love.” This type of love is just as valuable as romantic love, if not more, since brotherly (and sisterly) love is what can hold a street, block, town or nation together. Like little covalent bonds, the love of others makes up the matter of our society.

The Unstoppable, Adaptable Christmas Marathon

The Holiday Radio Show is far from the only holiday tradition that has been adapted for a second year running. Based on data gathered for this piece 75% of survey participants modified their traditions due to COVID-19 precautions last year—and interestingly, an equal percentage are doing so again this year. Their reasons are as personal as the traditions themselves, but they all align with one of the key reasons that the WPRB Holiday Marathon has weathered COVID-19 and lasted over three decades.

Turkey for Your Brain

Well, it’s like that turkey we ate yesterday and the drowsy, content feeling we had afterward. The turkey is the delivery mechanism for the chemical tryptophan which makes us feel that way. Gratitude is the vehicle for dopamine and serotonin—it’s like turkey for our brain!  

Taking Back Halloween

There’s nothing wrong with feeling anxiety, in fact it’s a good thing. Anxiety can drive adaptation. The difficulty comes when we let that anxiety stop us from enjoying life. Even Halloween.

Operation Joy: Miles for All

School supplies to food to holiday meals, caps and gowns and even prom dresses--those day-to-day things we may take for granted--can be beyond the reach of some families. Operation Joy fills that need and has done so for almost two decades. Plus, running and walking outside is good for body, soul, heart and mind. We've read that here for years.

Six Words, One Summer

This practice as a form of journaling has been shown to promote feelings of closure, reduce anxiety and prepare us for the next phase of our lives.

Weaponized Gratitude

Today we’re going to focus on how to amp up that gratitude for these trying times. You want that increased happiness, improved health, better sleep and boosted immune system? You gotta fight for it. You gotta weaponize your gratitude.