215.804.9487 [email protected]

A VAST Focus Shift for ADHD

The key is to think beyond the problem=intervention paradigm and instead create a lifestyle which supports the power of a VAST mind while lessening the effect or impact of symptoms.

Walking the Full Circle

It’s been four months since I’ve written an article and I bet you’re wondering why. The answer is both as complex and simple as why I began researching then writing this article. The process I went through touches on grit, self-acceptance and growth mindset; as you know, three of my favorite topics.

The Six Word Story of 2021

2021 required much adaptation. Here's to a 2022 where that adaptation becomes acceptance, and that acceptance moves from the individual and echoes throughout a new and improved culture.

Re-Emerging with Joy

he world is re-opening and with that comes a wealth of opportunities. Also, if my clients and social media are any indication, comes an increasing amount of stress and anxiety. Many of us have become comfortable over the last fifteen months. While life is not lived in the comfort zone, it is also not to be lived in constant stress. As we re-emerge, to do so with the most health and joy, we need to keep one thing in mind: We are still in charge.

Us, Stronger

I know it's in some ways heart wrenching to look at the 'percieved benefit' of the pandemic though some did exist. Let's focus on the idea of a psychological immune system. That's what I was thinking about as I was knocked for a loop with two days of harsh side effects from the vaccine.

Emerging From COVID

As my clients and I consider re-emerging, I’m beginning to notice a set of anxious, even grief-type thoughts and emotions are also rising. Out of necessity I now describe this set of thoughts and emotions as “re-emergence stress.”

Freeing Spirits

At the center of Samhain was one crucial dynamic: Letting go to that which has passed away so they, and we, can move on. What better time to let go of some of our COVID-19 losses than Halloween? What better way to honor the festival which has changed so much over the centuries than to return to its roots amid our current changing culture?

Action Makes an Enjoyable School Year

On the other side of this virus will be a new, and better culture but only if we make it so. We can’t go backward, as much as I would wish it, but we can go boldly forward based on shared values, and into a tomorrow that is safe, connected and joyful.

The Creative Stress Cycle: 10 Ways to Make Stress Work FOR Us

“Everyone knows what stress is, but nobody really knows.” – Hans Selye, World’s First Stress Researcher Key: Stress is the...

A Wordless Farewell

A Wordless Farewell

“I can remember the frustration of not being able to talk. I knew what I wanted to say, but I...