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Overcoming This Year


It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.”

– Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman philosopher

be-your-own-hero-300x280Happy Web-iversary, Everyone!

It’s been another awesome year at KeithKarabin.com and we have you to thank for it. Readership, free subscriptions, public comments and private conversations are all continuing to rise steadily. Our community of Living Wellness (which was the noted theme in the 2013-2014 year) continues to welcome more seekers, and that is thanks to you. So, y’know, thank you.

If last year was the year of Living Wellness this year is surely the year of Overcoming. These themes are not something we set out to address, it’s actually more of a Narrative Therapy approach; reflectively looking back over the time and seeing what jumps out. While standing up and saying “I want to live well!” takes strength, and is empowering, saying “I have a problem that I need to overcome!” takes courage and honesty. That’s the difference between wanting to take the next step in life and actually taking it.

To that end, we offer the five key articles on the theme of Overcoming our problems, and just for kicks, they are arranged by the Stages of Change, which are outlined in Super Self Helping. Within these five articles are diagrams, simple step-by-step instructions and a ton of research on how to not just find a solution to a problem, but make that solution a lifestyle.


Change is Overrated27 March 2015

It’s time for me to be honest; I hate change. I hate the word’s baggage, I hate the fake finality, and I hate the dismissiveness; the idea that the person we are now needs to stop and a new one take over. Change is not a moment, just like growth, it is a constant state of movement. It is up to us to make that movement toward or the best self, and that life we desire.


A Happy 2015 on Purpose – 02 January 2015

Our life’s great purpose, what “we were put here to do” can be a truly wonderful guide in life, but it is not essential to purposeful living. The best part of living purposefully is that not only will our lives become more fulfilling, meaningful and feeling under our control, but that the more practice we have at it, the faster and easier it will become.


Super Self-Helping – 06 June 2014

Self help works because you are your own super hero and you were built to save yourself.

People, at best, are self-solving machines. No psychotherapy can work if the client isn’t the one working, no doctor can heal if you stay sick on the couch, no dryer can work without clunking if we don’t scratch our chins, acknowledge the problem and—in 2014—Google the heck out of it.


Happiness Overcomes – 29 August 2014

Overcoming anything in life is a challenge. But so is life itself. Face your reality with gratitude, focus on your strengths first and, most of all, never lose the happiness found in living to the best of yourself, because that is the power which truly overcomes.


On Hope, Hope On 20 June 2014

Who do you want to be; hope powered or hope hostile? Well, what kind of life do you want to live? The personal nature of hope, based around our perception of our power is key to living a life that overcomes.

Half of my story about overcoming my negative self-perception can be found in Happiness Overcomes, but, on a personal note, I need to thank each one of you reading these words. This was never intended to be a blog; this is a communal journalistic experiment liking Wellness Seekers and Wellness Supporters. This year marks a continued highpoint forwarding the belief that we are all, as divinely inspired humanity, alike in our yearning for wholeness, balance and joy. I hope you found some here this year. I make it my duty to provide ever more of it here.

Read on. Live well. Overcome.




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