Outdoor Restores Work!
Researchers studied 18,500 people and found that spending time in nature can bring you as much satisfaction, vitality and meaning as having a good marriage, education or income!
Researchers studied 18,500 people and found that spending time in nature can bring you as much satisfaction, vitality and meaning as having a good marriage, education or income!
New Amsterdam: The heart is what keeps me coming back as a fan and a counselor. It is the belief that everything can be improved. Quality of life, the healthcare system, our relationships, ourselves.
We look at that list and say, “Yeah, I want all those benefits!” But perhaps you’re like me and the idea of self-compassion is challenging. Where do we even start? And, how do we avoid beating ourselves up when we fail at being self-compassionate?
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do it. Because what the world...
Key: Relaxing vacations take purposeful preparation. Living it: Make lists, buffers, boundaries and memories. Clinical Concept: Blending Acceptance and...
“For too long we have been embarrassed to admit when our children need emotional or psychiatric help, worried that the...
“Of all the virtues we can learn no trait is more useful, more essential for survival, and more likely...
“Mental health problems are more common than heart disease, lung disease and cancer combined.” – National Institute of Mental...
“New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written…and lived in this transformative...
“When it’s time to bake big — anything from a 12-inch birthday cake to a day of Christmas cookies...